Normal Skip 
1. just skip down the court while your dribbling. 

Skip 2 my Lou 
1. Skip down the court but keep your legs straight and kinda of kick 1 leg out then the other like u walking like a robot 

Skip 2 my Through 
1. same thing as Skip 2 my lou but put it through your legs everytime you take a step 

Through the Legs 
1. Run down court while taking big steps 
2. every step put it through your legs 
NOTE: i tlooks better if u stay low 

The Holy Cross 
1. when your going down court step with your left foot and dribble with your right to the left side. 
2. hop a lil bit so your right foot (your about to step) is in the air dribble through your legs from the left to right with the right and catch it with your right on the right side 

1. bounce the ball on the ground and do a cartwheel 
2. retrive the ball. 

The SummerSault 
1. get down and crouch into a ball and keep dribbling. 
2. now bounce the ball foward and let go of it and do a summer sault 
3. once you are done with thesummer sault stand up and the ball should be right by you 
NOTE: careful and make sure your head dosen't hit the ground. 

The Bone Collector's Skip 
1. step foward with your right while dribbleing through your legs from left to right 
2. lift your left leg up and dribble the ball under your left leg with your right hand but catch it on the other side with your right (kinda like a yoyo dribble) 
3. step with your right and yoyo dribble it back 
4. now take a step with your left and dribble the bal behind your but dribble it where your right foot is standing. when you dribble it bend your right leg up so the ball will bounce where your foot was and will go under your shin 

Pepper Shake 
1. bounce the ball on the ground and folow it but put your hands on your upper rib cages and shake your body 
2. Get the ball 

Head bounce 
1. if there is 1 D on the fast break just bounce the ball on his head but make sure it will go over him after the bounce continue on to the dunk 

The Weave 
1. Start off with the ball in your right hand (you do this move when your going up the court) 
2. Dribble from right to left with the right hand but catch it with the right hand and dribblwe back to the right(yo Yo dribble) 
3. make it so you take a step with oyur left when you do the first bounce of the yoyo dribble when your then step with ur right and put it through your legs on the way back of the yoyo dribble. 
4. Cacth it with your right and step with your left while putting it through to the the left 
5. step with your right and cross to the right. 
6. step with the left and dribble behind your back to the left. 
7. step with the right and cross back through your legs 
8. now do the move again as many times as you want or can 

The Arch 
1. skip down the court like skip 2 my lou (legs out in front) 
2. when your left leg is out in front, with the ball in your right bring it under and throw It over your whole body so it will end up on the left side 
3. continue skipping or to the lay-up 

1. skip down the court dribbling in your right 
2. drop the ball close to your right side a little bit to the back, keep it a little bit above your knee height, and keep skippin 
3. reach your left arm behind your back and hit the ball back out in front of you 
4. keep doing this until u get to the D or the hoop 
NOTE: the ball will stay on the right side the whole time

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